Skills Network Catalog: May 7, 2024 Updates
May 7th, 2024 at 12:05 PM
What's New in Our Catalog
Newest Releases
迁移数据至Hadoop(中文) | View in the Skills Network Catalog
使用 Oozie 控制 Hadoop 作业 | View in the Skills Network Catalog
使用 Oozie 控制 Hadoop 作业
Legit Info - Call for Code for Racial Justice Open Source Project | View in the Skills Network Catalog
Legit Info is a web-based application written in Python programming language, using the Django framework and Bootstrap user interface styling. Its primary goal is to help advocates find legislation of interest based on an advocate's preferences for impact areas and geographical location.
Performing CRUD Operations with Python | View in the Skills Network Catalog
Flask is a popular Python web framework that provides useful tools and features for web development. In this guided project, you will create an application to perform create-read-update-delete (CRUD) operations using a Flask server.
AI Ethics | View in the Skills Network Catalog
Artificial Intelligence (AI) presents many exciting opportunities for businesses. At the same time it has also put in focus potential ethical problems. In this course on AI Ethics as we delve into today's AI concerns, explore biases, navigate regulations, and learn the concept of trust in the AI world.
Classification with PyTorch | View in the Skills Network Catalog
Designed for students and enthusiasts, this course equips you with the knowledge and practical skills to build powerful and accurate classification models using PyTorch. It offers a hands-on learning experience, allowing you to apply your knowledge through coding exercises and lessons so by the end of the course, you will possess the skills to build, train, and evaluate classification models using PyTorch. "Classification with PyTorch" is a part of a PyTorch Learning Path, check Prerequisites.
Convolutional Neural Networks with PyTorch | View in the Skills Network Catalog
In this course you will gain practical skills to tackle real-world image analysis and computer vision challenges using PyTorch. Uncover the power of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and explore the fundamentals of convolution, max pooling, and convolutional networks. Learn to train your models with GPUs and leverage pre-trained networks for transfer learning. . Note, this course is a part of a PyTorch Learning Path, check Prerequisites Section.
Linear Regression with PyTorch | View in the Skills Network Catalog
Linear regression is one of the most used technique for prediction. This course will give you a comprehensive understanding of linear regression modelling using the PyTorch framework. Equipped with these skills, you will be prepared to tackle real-world regression problems and utilize PyTorch effectively for predictive analysis tasks. It focuses specifically on the implementation and practical application of linear regression algorithms for predictive analysis. Note, this course is a part of a PyTorch Learning Path, find more in the Prerequisites Section.
Refactoring to microservices with open-source AI technology | View in the Skills Network Catalog
CARGO: AI-driven dependency analysis for migrating monolithic Java applications to microservices
Build a Neural Network with PyTorch | View in the Skills Network Catalog
In this course, you will be focusing on how PyTorch creates and Neural Network optimizes models. We will quickly iterate through different aspects of PyTorch Neural Networks, giving you strong foundations and all the prerequisites you need to build deep learning models. Designed for students and professionals interested in machine learning and deep learning, this course offers a comprehensive understanding of the theory and practical applications of building and deploying neural networks. Note, this course is a part of a PyTorch Learning Path, check Prerequisites section.
Data Science Bootcamp with Python for Banking Professionals | View in the Skills Network Catalog
This is an in-person, multi-day, intensive Data Science Bootcamp by IBM Cognitive Class. Taught by data scientists at IBM, this hands-on bootcamp enables beginners to analyze, visualize, model data. This bootcamp is made available on a limited basis, through BNP-Paribas.