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GPXX0NN7EN banner Deploying a Docker Image to a Kubernetes Cluster | View in the Skills Network Catalog

Kubernetes is a leading system for containerized workloads. In this hands-on guided project, you will learn how to build and deploy a Docker image to a local Kubernetes cluster within an IBM cloud-based environment.

GPXX0M0YEN banner Build Recommendation Systems using Collaborative Filtering | View in the Skills Network Catalog

Python is a popular programming language that can be used to create recommendation systems. In this guided project, you will learn how to create a recommendation system based on collaborative filtering.

GPXX06GDEN banner Docker Container Images for Beginners | View in the Skills Network Catalog

Docker is one of the most popular platforms for building, running, and managing containers. In this hands-on guided project, you will learn how to build and push a Docker image to the image registry within an IBM Cloud-based environment.

GPXX0D58EN banner Programming for Beginners: Hello World in 11 Languages | View in the Skills Network Catalog

In this lab, you will begin your journey to become multilingual in computer programming by learning to say, “Hello World!” in 10 popular languages: C, Java, Go, Python, Node JS, Ruby, PHP, PERL, Bash, C++ and a bonus markup language, HTML.

GPXX0RKNEN banner Model Evaluation and Refinement Made Easy | View in the Skills Network Catalog

Predictive modeling allows organizations to make informed decisions and allocate resources effectively by using data to predict future outcomes and trends. In this guided project, you will evaluate and refine a prediction model.

GPXX0EZ0EN banner Predictive Modeling for Real World Analytics | View in the Skills Network Catalog

Predictive modeling allows organizations to make informed decisions and allocate resources effectively by using data to predict future outcomes and trends. In this guided project, you will develop and test multiple prediction models.

GPXX0EVPEN banner Getting Started with Tableau Online | View in the Skills Network Catalog

Tableau is a popular data visualization and business intelligence tool used to analyze and present data. In this guided project, you will learn how to upload files and create a basic dashboard using the online version of Tableau.

GPXX0IXBEN banner CI/CD Setting Up GitHub Workflows | View in the Skills Network Catalog

GitHub is an essential platform for version control and collaboration. In this hands-on guided project, you will learn how to build a workflow in a GitHub repository using GitHub Actions.

GPXX0YULEN banner Creating Charts and Dashboards using Tableau | View in the Skills Network Catalog

Tableau is a popular data visualization and business intelligence tool used to analyze and present data. In this guided project, you use Tableau Online to create a dashboard with multiple charts.

GPXX06VPEN banner Getting started with Linux Terminal Commands | View in the Skills Network Catalog

Linux is a free and open-source operating system based on Unix, typically used for servers, desktops, and embedded systems. This guided project will teach you how to explore, edit, and run files through the Linux terminal.

GPXX06ACEN banner Building Continuous Integration (CI) Pipelines | View in the Skills Network Catalog

GitHub is an essential platform for version control and collaboration. In this hands-on guided project, you will continue building the Continuous Integration pipeline you started in the previous lab titled, "Setting Up GitHub Workflows."

GPXX0QM2EN banner Data Wrangling using Python | View in the Skills Network Catalog

Data wrangling is essential for ensuring your data is usable for analysis and modeling. In this guided project, you will learn how to wrangle data using Python.

GPXX0IDQEN banner Exploratory Data Analysis with Python | View in the Skills Network Catalog

Python is a popular programming language for data analysis due to its numerous libraries. In this guided project, you will use Python to perform data analysis and determine which variables are important to feed prediction models.


GPXX0E8TEN image Improve Customer Support with AI-powered Voice Services | View in the Skills Network Catalog

Version 1.3: Add image to the instruction.