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DA0104EN banner Introduction to Cognos Analytics | View in the Skills Network Catalog

IBM Cognos Analytics is designed to help you make confident business decisions informed by real metrics and insights and take the guesswork out of decision making. Take this course and learn about topical subjects of IBM Cognos Analytics, see demos or follow step-by-step instructional videos.

GPXX0IWWEN banner Create a Personal Assistant with OpenAI's GPT-3 | View in the Skills Network Catalog

Ready to up your productivity game? Create your very own personal assistant chatbot using OpenAI's advanced language processing technology. Your assistant will be able to understand and respond to your questions and requests in real time, using text-to-speech and speech-to-text capabilities. By the end of the guided project, you'll have a fully functional AI assistant to help you with whatever questions you have, anytime, anywhere. Upgrade your productivity and efficiency by building your own personal assistant today!


PY0101EN image Python for Data Science | View in the Skills Network Catalog

Version 3.25: Learn the latest python tools techniques for data analysis visualization in our updated data science course. Handson experience with realworld projects included!.

GPXX02LCEN image Hands-on with Red Hat OpenShift: Deploy, Scale & Manage Apps | View in the Skills Network Catalog

Version 1.2: Minor change in a look at the project ahead section. Added the fact that this gp uses oc cli utility to execute the tasks. So that people are aware this is cli based and not guiconsole based.