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GPXX086PEN banner Know Your Worth: Build A Job Salary Estimator | View in the Skills Network Catalog

Want to know how much a data science job pays? Use our cutting-edge model that utilizes text mining and BERT to estimate salary from job posting descriptions. Simply copy and paste the job description to get your estimate. Say goodbye to hours of research; our model will give you the information you need quickly and easily.

applied-data-science-with-python banner Applied Data Science with Python | View in the Skills Network Catalog

In these data science courses, you’ll learn how to use the Python language to clean, analyze and visualize data.

GPXX02RTEN banner Get Started with Tekton for Building CI/CD Pipelines | View in the Skills Network Catalog

Tekton is a highly flexible pipeline system that provides a framework for building, deploying, and running cloud-native applications. In this hands-on guided project, you will create a simple Tekton pipeline within an IBM Cloud environment.

integration-of-embeddable-ai banner Enhancing Applications with Embeddable AI | View in the Skills Network Catalog

Understand the power of AI and how it can be integrated into everyday tasks, leveraging the latest AI tools to make your work more efficient and productive.

GPXX08S6EN banner Unit Testing Python Code Using Nose | View in the Skills Network Catalog

Nose is a Python testing framework that simplifies writing and running tests for your code. In this hands-on guided project, you will learn how to use Nose to run automated unit tests in Python.

GPXX0AWAEN banner Web Scraping for Python using Beautiful Soup | View in the Skills Network Catalog

Data is the fuel of Data Science. We can get data from databases and other data repositories. A lot of data is published as web pages. Web scraping is the process of harvesting data from web pages. BeautifulSoup is a Python library that allows for web scraping, parsing, and extracting data from HTML and XML documents. In this guided project, you will use BeautifulSoup to scrape the contents of a web page.