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GPXX0D45EN banner Machine Learning Analysis fundamentals in Retail | View in the Skills Network Catalog

This lab is dedicated to learning the basic Machine Learning methods for analysis of Retail based on Global Food Prices data from the World Food Programme covering foods such as maize(corn), rice, beans, fish, and sugar for 76 countries and 1,500 markets.

GPXX0J6EEN banner Great Expectations, a data validation library for Python | View in the Skills Network Catalog

Garbage in, garbage out but sometimes gold could be wrongly put in the garbage. When data scientists are doing projects, the dataset-machine learning model pipeline requires appropriate data formats. But how could we check that our datasets are in good shape before our modelling? Great Expectations is the perfect tool for it. In this project, you could learn how to do data exploration using Great Expectations. Great Expectations is a Python-based open-source library for validating, documenting, and profiling your data. It helps you to maintain data quality and improve models.

GPXX0HAUEN banner Build your own Unbeatable TicTacToe AI | View in the Skills Network Catalog

Everyone has played TicTacToe at least once in their life. Have you ever thought about creating your own AI TicTacToe player? Reinforcement Learning can help you with that. In this project, you will explore the basics of Reinforcement Learning and the Monte Carlo Method. You will learn how to train your own agent and create a highly-skilled AI player. This project is an interesting and challenging way to apply machine learning concepts to a well-known game.

GPXX01V6EN banner How do people feel about a product? Use AI to get the answer | View in the Skills Network Catalog

Natural language processing (NLP) is an exciting machine learning application; IBM's Watson NLP library can greatly ease the development and deployment of NLP as part of your application. Amazon's 5-star rating system lacks feedback for both users and buyers. What about using NLP for helpful information? In this project, we will develop an application to classify Amazon users' emotions using Watson NLP. After conducting this project, developers will know how to build a web scraping, emotion classification embedded application.

GPXX0JKFEN banner Advanced Machine Learning Analysis in Retail | View in the Skills Network Catalog

This lab is dedicated to learnig the Advanced Machine Learning methods for analysis of Retail based on 3 years sales data for 45 stores located in different regions - each store contains a number of departments.


GPXX0BCEN image Streaming messages between client&server services using gRPC | View in the Skills Network Catalog

Version 1.2: Updated the course outline where the landing page was not shown as the design updated the timing to 30 minutes that should be same as the static guide.

DV0101EN image Data Visualization with Python | View in the Skills Network Catalog

Version 2.6: Updated the course to remove free.

ST0101EN image Statistics 101 | View in the Skills Network Catalog

Version 1.6: We have updated the landing page to better represent the course content.

CO0201EN image Kubernetes Operators Intermediate | View in the Skills Network Catalog

Version 2.11: Updated course to remove free.

OS0101EN image Introduction to Open Source | View in the Skills Network Catalog

Version 1.2: Removed the reference to free.

CC0210EN image Serverless Computing using Cloud Functions - Developer I | View in the Skills Network Catalog

Version 1.1: Updated the course landing page.

DS0103EN image Data Science Methodology | View in the Skills Network Catalog

Version 3.5: Updated to remove free within the course.

GPXX0BUBEN image Insurance Risk assessment w/Monte Carlo method using Spark | View in the Skills Network Catalog

Version 1.5: Project title.

CO0302EN image Kubernetes Operators Advanced | View in the Skills Network Catalog

Version 1.3: Updated the general section to remove free.

GPXX0GN4EN image Client behavior classification in Banking | View in the Skills Network Catalog

Version 1.1: Initial release.