What's New in the Skills Network Catalog

Newest Releases

GPXX06EOUK banner Базовий статистичний аналіз та геовізуалізація | View in the Skills Network Catalog

Метою роботи є навчитись завантажувати, здійснювати попередню обробку та статистичний аналіз економічних показників для сільського господарства та створювати інтерактивні мапи, які показують динаміку зміни цін.


LB0111EN image Reactive Architecture: CQRS & Event Sourcing | View in the Skills Network Catalog

Version 1.2: The course is now installable.

GPXX0E3SEN image Refactoring to microservices with open-source AI technology | View in the Skills Network Catalog

Version 1.4: Update the certification.

GPXX0VWBEN image Using PCA to Improve Facial Recognition | View in the Skills Network Catalog

Version 1.1: Initial release.

GPXX04YGEN image **Image Segmentation with Mean Shift Clustering ** | View in the Skills Network Catalog

Version 1.1: Initial release.

GPXX0SHHEN image **Unraveling Patterns with DBSCAN ** | View in the Skills Network Catalog

Version 1.1: Initial release.

GPXX04T2EN image **Building Recommender systems with Gaussian Mixture Model ** | View in the Skills Network Catalog

Version 1.1: Initial release.

GPXX06S4EN image Build an Image Retrieval System with NMF and More | View in the Skills Network Catalog

Version 1.1: Initial release.

GPXX05W9EN image **Use Kernel PCA To Find Why Are You Poor ** | View in the Skills Network Catalog

Version 1.1: Initial release.