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GPXX0BOFEN banner Advanced Machine Learning Analysis in Retail | View in the Skills Network Catalog

This project will help you apply Advanced Machine Learning methods to research trends and data in retail. Additionally, it will also guide you in analysing data from 45 stores located in different regions; each store contains a number of departments.

GPXX0W5QEN banner Cancer Image Detection With PyTorch (Part 3 iBest Workshop) | View in the Skills Network Catalog

This project uses deep learning in PyTorch and computer vision techniques to develop an algorithm to identify metastatic cancer in small image patches obtained from larger digital pathology scans. The project's objectives are to set up the necessary environment, install and import required libraries, and perform data preparation for the model training. The project leverages pre-trained Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and transfer learning to improve the model's performance.


GPXX0KV4EN image Getting Started with Node.js | View in the Skills Network Catalog

Version 1.6: Modernized the guided project to use the latest cloud ide lab environment.